Friday, April 6, 2007

Long winter...

The last post was all about "Who's praying for rain?" I understand that the farmers need rain and I'm sure some other people out there...but WHO NEEDS COLD? I must admit, I have no explanation for the cold, even snowy weather (in some parts). But I also must admit, it's times like these that I'm glad I live in southern MN instead of up North (where they got hit with snow in April). 82 degrees one week and 13 the next....I don't get it. My poor daffodils had almost seen the light of day...and then they fell over, limp with the bitter cold.
Maybe I should take up the offer (that my hubby repeatedly extends to me, especially in the winter months) of moving down South...atleast for the winter.
Someone please remind me of why we stay...


Faye... said...

Living in, that would make for a great post. Thanks!!!

Graceland King said...

How about Fort Myers, then we would have baseball every spring? Please Boss?