Monday, December 3, 2007

My New "Friend"

I have a new friend. Well, a not so friendly "friend." The doctor calls my friend "Scarletina." We were introduced on Friday (well, with formal names anyway). I actually became acquinted with "Scarlet" on Thursday night. You see, Scarletina comes from a not-so-friendly old friend of mine named Streptococcus. He's not so nice either. As a matter of fact, he gave me Rheumatic Fever in Guatemala. As you can tell, I'm not so fond of this "Strep" guy, but he sure likes me!
As you can also tell, I'm stuck home...bored and sick of being sick. Somewhat of a complainer, and I guess I just needed someone to share my sob story with. Thanks for listening.
No offense, but I hope that you never have to meet this "Strep" guy or this "Scarletina" either! Stay warm, drink lots of fluids, and get lots of rest (and stay away from sick people!!).

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