Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Day to Remember

Once upon a time...3 years ago to be exact... there was a guy who thought today would be a good day to begin the rest of his life. However, that life was not meant to be spent alone... Therefore, he would select a helpmate to begin his journey alongside of him. So without informing his bride-to-be, he drove 4 hours to a beloved place called Rustproof (the place they met). Once he got there, he had to hide so no one else would see him. He had a special surprise in mind. His clever friends helped him set up the theme for the night. It was all about discerning God's voice. Our wonderful friend, Jenny, decided to see who would volunteer for a little example. Even though the soon-to-be helpmate didn't volunteer, she was elected to wear the blindfold. A little nervous because she had just been gone for 9 months...she knew she had to make an attempt to try and discern whose voice she was about to hear. With her blindfold on she heard an ever-so-familiar voice declaring his love for her. Her heart was a pitter-pattering... As he knelt in front of her, wooing her with his words and ring in hand, he asked her to marry him.

That was the beginning of the rest of our lives! It's amazing to think that it's already been 3 years since that day! I sure am glad we were able to discern the voice of God!


Faye... said...

I'm glad too!

dangeresque dan said...

Whoa. I thought that story was about Chad and Abby.

JC said...

I remember that night. I was so nervous! I'm nervous now just reading it! YAYAY Jamie & Rob!!

Susan A. Reed said...

I didn't know that sweet story.....
I am so happy God blessed you...