Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
I've taken over my mama's blog...but it's for a good cause. I didn't know how else to get a hold of you (especially since Mama doesn't believe in you). I'm writing to let you know my Christmas wishes. I wish for $1,000,000 so Mama & Papa don't ever have to work again and can stay home with me. I wish for world peace & no more hunger. I wish that I could start to talk so people wouldn't just stare at me when I want something (and therefore have to cry to get it). I wish for a new job for Papa cuz he doesn't seem very happy with his (that is, if he has to work). I wish I could have my own room so I don't have to hear Papa snore. One last thing...I wish that I could spend more time with my Papa...cuz I've seen enough of this Mama lady....and I miss my Papa! Thanks Santa! I hope that I don't ask for too much.
Much love,
Hannah Isabel

1 comment:

Faye... said...

awww....what a sweet heart! She is adorable!I love...the fur!
God see's your heart Jamylou...