Thursday, October 9, 2008

Growing Belly (by request)

One day....I found out I was pregnant.... (12 weeks)
And I just kept growing...

(18 weeks)

And growing...

(24 weeks)

And growing...

(30 weeks)

And growing...

(32 weeks)

And growing some more...

(35 weeks)
And hoping for it to all be over.....
And then one day...(hopefully soon) it will.
The end.
More to come...when it actually is all over and instead of pictures of me growing, you can look at pictures of a beautiful little baby girl!!!!


Susan A. Reed said...

You are such a cute pregnant lady!
Soon you will hold that little one in your arms! Thanks for the pictures!
love you, Susana

Faye... said...

...oh it's going to be fun!!! You are very beautiful!

mrswilly said...

love it!!! thanks for sharing these pics.

JC said...

what a pretty little belly!

dangeresque dan said...

I know you just had the kid but PICTURES??!?!?!