Monday, April 7, 2008

One day at a time...

We've been busy working, painting, and making this house our home. Rob took a week off from work and got a lot of the painting done. Here's the new entry-way color in our house. We went from an olive color to a cranberry. It sure makes a big difference!
Living room wasn't such a big change from yellow to green, but we did finally get a sofa and loveseat. It will be finalized once I put up our new window treatments. We also finally got our t.v. set up! Go Twins!
Out of all the bathrooms we have, we tend to like to share this one (probably because it's the only one that's mostly done). The other bathrooms are still all white, this one is green.
We finally brought Mae Belle home! She really likes it here. She walks around and sniffs every little inch of the house. This is her favorite part.....
We got pounded with snow yesterday. Since our backyard is fenced-in, Mae Belle can run and play. She loves it!
It's beginning to feel a lot more like home (even if we're still sleeping on a futon). One day at a time!


dangeresque dan said...

Sweetness . . . So when is the house-warming party?

mrswilly said...

your house looks lovely! so happy for you guys. May it be blessed with God's presence and amazing memories!

Jamylou said...

As for your question, Aaron, we still have lots of work to do. You'll have to ask the "Real Boss" when we can throw a party. I'm up for it anytime (once it's presentable, that is)!

Faye... said...

Thank you Jamylou for the post on the snowman! You are sweet!!!!The house looks lovely and I will stop by with Cindy Lou sometime. Your dog is looking content! See you Sunday...