Friday, May 11, 2007

I think He overdid it this time...

Well, our t.v. finally drove the husband to the point of no return. It's been doing this black screen thing for a while...and most of the time we wonder if it's going to come back on. Just 2 days ago it went black at the same time as it made a little humming sound... It's gonna go!
Yesterday was the grand finale... I think that if we wouldn't have gone out and bought this oversized, overpriced huge thing (that we may have to return becuz it's so huge) that now sits in our living room... I may have had to drive my dear husband to the hospital for a psych eval!
So, here it sits...a little too big for our little house... Nonetheless.. Here it sits.


Jilb said...

Oh my gosh! That is so funny. We almost bought the exact same one. But we decided we should buy baby stuff instead. You'll have to let me know how you guys like it.

JC said...

Oh wow- the AI season finale would look so great on that screen....or the Smallville finale- Clark totally running from the blowing up car and maybe kissing Lana...or better yet...The Detroit Red Wings taking home Stanley! You could have some serious fun in the next few weeks with that thing!